Yoga For Martial Artists
Part One Hip flexibility & Mobility
These two volumes are designed specifically to meet the needs of the martial artist and modern athlete.
Part one covers hip flexibility and mobility
Part two covers hamstrings and improving flexibility
These workouts have been carefully put together by the amazing Yogi, Zoe Macphail, head coach and owner of Hot Yoganic.
These courses will benefit both beginner and advanced student alike, improving your flexibility, mobility, balance and core strength.
In these series of videos you will learn the routines, breathing and principles that make Yoga such a wonderful addition to your training.
Having increased flexibility will help you improve those high kicks, grappling and submissions plus helping improve recovery time so win win!
Included is a fully detailed 15 minute warm up/workout routine that can be used as a stand alone workout in its own right
Zoe MacPhail
Head coach and founder Hot Yoganic, Infused Raw Health senior instructor
The Warm up
The Warm Up - Yoga for Martial Arts & all Athletes
Yoga with Zoe - Part One Hip flexibility & Mobility